Thoughts, Words, Ideas

Thoughts, Words, Ideas

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Gradebook and Excel

Excel is a very powerful tool. I had used Excel extensively in my prior business career and never really thought about its usefulness in education other than in math and science to create data tables. Excel was used by Site Council to create our strategic plan every year as it was both a budget as well as goal oriented project. Using Excel to create a gradebook as well as other documents makes it extremely versatile. I thought the concatenation tool was super cool and one that I had never used before. Working collaboratively with another teacher, administrator or parent in your classroom can minimize the paperwork or repetitive actions that can happen when paper is passed from person to person. Being able to create a document in Excel, download to a web based solution such as Google docs and then share it with those who need the information, makes it a tool to keep in your arsenal. It will be important to continue to hone those skills in technology and identify my weaknesses in order to seek the necessary training I will need to minimize wasted time trying to figure something out. Asking questions of a colleague more knowledgeable than me in order to learn is also important.

Lisa Hennefarth's gradebook is accessible to be viewed.

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