To introduce this lesson, I asked two students to stand in front of the classroom to physically demonstrate distance, rate and time. Two students are asked to start from the same position at one end of the classroom. One student takes giant steps while the other takes baby steps. Each student takes one step per second. The class will count out the seconds. The students will predict who will get to the other end of the classroom first.
The following discussion question will be asked: What if the student who takes the baby steps does it quicker and the student who takes the larger steps goes slower? What affects the distance traveled? What happens as time increases or decreases? What happens to the time as the speed increases or decreases?
After this introduction, students will return to their seats and watch the rap song on distance via YouTube. The video will be projected via the Smart Board. Instruction will continue with a pair share on vocabulary, followed by the use of the Smart Board to show the Magic Triangle. A variety of example problems will be done on the Smart Board with students coming up to the board to highlight key terms in the problems. This reinforces the vocabulary needed to be able to comprehend distance, rate and time depending on the complexity of the problem presented to the student. The lesson will continue with word problems being done as examples that calculate distance, speed and time.
The lesson will follow up with online homework and the students reviewing Kahn Academy for further clarification on the topic.This skill of ratios and distance equation will be a week long lesson. At the end of the week, a mastery quiz on this section of the unit will be given to assess understanding.
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