Thoughts, Words, Ideas
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Final Reflection
The class was AWESOME! I enjoy using technology, and you showed me how I can use it effectively and efficiently in the classroom. Looking ahead, I hope that I stay diligent and on top of my game in order to use technology - I appreciated and agreed with Stephen's comment at the end of class where he shared that he hoped that he would not be the type of teacher that started a blog or web site and months go by before he inputs on his site again. I worry about that too and have realized that technology needs to become a part of my teaching ritual. Start slow, don't bite off more than I can handle and show my students, parents, fellow teachers and administrators that I am willing to spend the time to try new ideas using technology.
I reviewed my Survey Monkey comments and I liked what everyone said - feedback is important and helps me look at what I have done and how to improve. I appreciated the comment on the rubric and I concur on what someone wrote about writing a rubric for this assignment that I posted. Given that math is a series of small assignments, I tried to incorporate what I would do in total for the whole class as well as this specific assignment. I also liked receiving this feedback because I find that often times people don't like giving you feedback directly, but rather anonymously. Survey Monkey allows for this type of feedback.
Looking ahead, I know I will try and use a type of blog/website for information in the class I teach. Thank you for making the class so enjoyable and for being enthusiastic about our profession. Enjoy your summer!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Final Project: Menu
For my final project I have put together a 6th grade general math lesson with the central focus of introducing the topic of distance = rate (speed) x time.
- Content Standards
- Content Instruction
- Lesson Structure
- Assessment of Student Performance
- Technology Utilized
- Evaluation Survey
Friday, June 10, 2011
Technology Utilized
- To introduce the lesson, the YouTube video featuring a rap song on distance-rate-time will be shown to the students.
- The Smart Board will be used to show word problem examples featuring terminology of distance, average rate of speed, speed, and time. Students will evaluate the verbiage and highlight the words using the SmartBoard to help write an equation to solve for distance, rate or time. The Smart Board will be used to present problems and the students will come to the board to solve them. It is also being used to show the Magic Triangle and the highlight tool will be used to show how distance, rate or time can be found by covering up the part of the triangle you already know from the problem presented.
- As part of the lesson, students will be encouraged to visit the online Kahn Academy as well as other online tutorials to help students as needed.
Assessment of Student Performance
Lesson Structure
Content Instruction
Content Standards
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
b. engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources
2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS•S. Teachers:
a. develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become
active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress
b. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity
c. customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources
d. provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Collaboration: Key to Success and Time
Terms and Definitions
aggregation | a composition technique for building a new object from existing objects that support some or all of the news object’s interfaces |
avatar | subject in a virtual world that represents a person |
blog | a series of informal articles |
cache | a place to store something momentarily where it con be retrieved quickly instead of having to get it from the server |
captcha | letters and numbers randomly generated by program that are inputted for “security” of a process on the computer to insure the inputter is human |
cloud computing | allows for web-based applications as opposed to purchasing software i.e. Google Docs |
Digg | social news site that allows for users to submit and rate input. allows for users to popularize the content and “digg” it. |
hashtag | a tag used to categorize posts on Twitter according to topics |
HTML | the language of the world wide web - a system of markup codes and symbols inserted into a file that is intended for use on the world wide web. The markup tells the web browser how to display the images and words for the user. |
podcast,webcast | a broadcast sent over the world wide web or ipod |
tags | a language element descriptor |
tweet | a message or post on Twitter- must be 140 characters or less |
web 2.0 | interactive services that the web now offers such as online banking, photo sharing, webmail |
wiki | content management system that allows people to input and edit sites without knowing HTML |
source code | human readable instructions that a programmer writes |
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Gradebook and Excel
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Social Networking and Privacy
Call me old-fashioned, or perhaps it is generational, but as much as students like and use social networking sites outside of class to connect with friends and family, I just can't seem to buy in to allowing it in school. I have to ask what value does social networking bring to a classroom? I guess I have been in too many classes where students use Facebook, checking in on friends, their statuses and chatting, all while the professor is lecturing. I expect respect and common courtesy from students when a teacher and professor are delivering a lesson or lecturing on a topic. Some may say that teachers need to be make their lessons and lectures entertaining and interesting, and bring them into the 21st century with the use of technology and interaction. Even when this is done, students still feel the need to be connected, and I think that sometimes we need to be “unconnected” from the internet and technology. I know how hard some teachers work on delivering curriculum to their students, and for some students, they fail to see what value some topics bring to their life. I “get” it and often have used this argument before when I was younger, but now, my age tells me differently. We gain perspective, understanding, and critical thinking skills when we learn outside of our disciplines. This is important as we add tools to our basket of knowledge.
As I thought about this reflection, I decided to research some other opinions to see what others thought about the subject. One opinion in favor of using social networks in school likened it to the invention of the printing press. If we look at social networking sites as books, they too were considered inappropriate, threatening and people were scared. But, not everyone was scared; there were those who stepped forward and forever changed civilization. Could we be on the verge of a new renaissance era with new thoughts and ideas forever changing the way we "do" life? I can wholeheartedly agree with this position of stepping forward, and I am willing to be open-minded about the use of social networking in school; however, we need to teach the courtesies of using social networking, especially to young students. Social networking sites can be brutal and I worry about bullying and distractions, but if we can monitor and teach, then these sites can be powerful; we can reach those students who are on the fringe of the academic circle. I believe it can be used to compare and contrast topics across communities as well as be used as a way to brainstorm ideas and gather as much information as possible. Have I changed my mind? No, not really, but I am willing to take a second look.
Slope Dude
This adventurous young man can teach us the important terms behind learning slope, including the dreaded algebra term ... undefined, all the while being on a ski slope, high on a mountaintop. Intriguing? Interesting? Designed to capture a student's attention? Perhaps, if you have never heard of the slope concept before, like in a pre-algebra class, this video might be the perfect, goofy way to grab the student's attention.
While preparing for a SDAEI Lesson in my ELL class, my colleagues and I found this funny YouTube video on Slope. At the beginning of the math lesson on slope, this video was used to grab the student's attention. A ski slope with a skier demonstrated positive, negative, zero and undefined slope while learning the key terms around this important part of Linear Functions. As part of the NDNU program, we have been taught to use a "hook" to draw the students into your lesson. YouTube videos serve this purpose because they allow teachers to be creative by giving them access to all sorts of materials. YouTube videos also help students, by giving them options to learning. For example, Khan Academy started as uploads to YouTube and there are also many other online and video tutorials for math including songs and games. Recently, while teaching a lesson on Distance, I found a rap song on the equation of Distance=Rate x Time. This was taught to a 6th grade class and they loved the song and remembered the equation easily. Students need to learn and we, as teachers, need to teach. Keep it creative and get your students hooked.
At Your Doorstep....
RSS Feeds are like having different newspapers delivered to your front door every minute of the day; however, these special newspapers contain only the information you want to know about either on a professional or personal level. It used to be that you stayed current in your industry by subscribing to different professional magazines, be involved in work-related organizations, read the NY Times, Wallstreet Journal and any other local, national or international newspaper of your chosing as well as attended conferences to hear the latest news and information. Today, technology makes it easy, affordable, accessible and most of all, current.
Feeds allow for instant access to great ideas and this is especially important to teachers in all disciplines. My subscriptions include traditional and fun math blogs and websites, as well as the iconic NY Times. I am a also a big sports buff so therefore subscriptions to the SF Giants and English Premier Soccer are also at the top of my list as news feeds. I think that math has to be presented in different ways in order to be interesting. How often is math done sitting at a desk or table with a white board or paper? How often does doing problem after problem or better known as "drill and kill" come to mind? There are great ideas out there to teach math and taking advantage of them is key. Today I received notice of a new movie coming out called "An Invisible Sign" - a movie about a young woman who becomes a math teacher with no formal training. She loved math as a young girl because her father was a mathematician. If I was a high school math teacher, I would contemplate taking my class to see this movie -something interesting, unique and different - something teachers are always trying to do to keep their students interested in their subject.
Having the ability to look at posts or announcements with a click of a mouse is inspiring and keeps my creative juices flowing. I have a responsibility as a teacher to always improve. Each year, I cannot remain stagnate but must push myself to do things differently than before. If lessons went well, then I must think about how to make them even better. Each student is unique and each year brings different students with different learning styles and I must adjust what I do in the classroom. RSS Feeds can help me do this by keeping my up-to-date and on top of my game as a teacher.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Rules of Engagement
My goal: To engage students in active learning....I have used this verbiage in papers for other education courses at NDNU. What does it mean? Engage means to occupy the attention or efforts of a person or persons. As a teacher, I will not want to stand up in front of a classroom and just lecture. How bored my students, as well as I, will become with a subject that I feel needs to be introduced in an interesting and innovative way. I am not saying that lecture does not hold its place in a classroom, but I do feel there needs to be a balance of delivering the curriculum. I need to tap into the intellectual energy of my student's minds and keep them focused on the task at hand - learning math. This will be my primary role as a math educator. Watching the video clips made me smile as I nodded my head in agreement knowing full well what lies ahead for me as a teacher and pondering the how's: How will I reach all students successfully? How will they learn by incorporating multi-media and technology without getting lost? How will I keep track of all of the student's attention and not fall victim to have students "Facebook" or "Chat" during classtime? How will I have the time to learn all of the technological tools out there at my disposal?
Sunday, May 22, 2011
The Conversation...Opening Up the Lines of Communication
Fast forward to today. Technology is at our fingertips - computers, laptops, ipads, itouches, youtube, widgets, gadgets, facebook, myspace, social networking, wikipedia, online databases and encyclopedias - the list goes on and on. As a math teacher, I want to engage students and help them build a solid infrastructure of knowledge in order for them to succeed later on in their math courses. Math builds upon itself and once the mortar is put down, you can lay the tile work. The tiles can be laid sequentially in a linear fashion, geometrically in a random pattern or in a beautiful mosaic. However it is done, the end result is spectacular and will serve them well in the years ahead. Math is everywhere and is needed in all walks of life; however, the challenge with young students is to show them how math applies now in their lives. Technology in the classroom can help with this endeavor.
How will I do it? How will I be able to stay up to date and knowledgeable about the technology that will be available to me? For me, the answer is simple - Keep my ears to the ground and my eyes open. Stay connected to my students. Get to know them and find out by observation and asking questions what is new, interesting, challenging. Students often know before you and will love to share what is out there on the computer. Be willing to try and experiment and do not be close minded. I am willing to accept new thoughts, ideas, to take a risk and step out of the box to learn and I have to be hungry to learn. If I can show my students my hunger for knowledge, perhaps they too will be hungry. The sky is the limit.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
For the last five years I have been a paraeducator and recently left that job when I increased my school workload, and opted instead to become a substitute teacher. In addition to being a substitute, I also run an afterschool program for 4th and 5th graders, helping them with their homework every Wednesday afternoon.
When I was working, technology was and still is a very big part of the school. Each 5th-8th grade classroom has laptops for each student to use. SmartBoards are evident in all of the 4th and 5th grade classrooms AND the use of document cameras are used extensively by all of the teachers. Technology and the parameters outlined in your blog make total sense to me;however, it must be implemented and supported by everyone on the school campus. It is a shame to have all of the great technology at your fingertips but not use it to its full potential. Inconsistent use and methodology are two areas that stand out to me from your list as to what does not happen on a regular basis. I find that teachers not familiar nor comfortable with technology do not embrace it and thus it goes to waste.
The importance of on-going training, support and personal development is key to the success of technology implementation and use. Teachers must see the value and understand how to use technology to get the most out of their students. Educators can't use technology as a babysitter and must continue to be involved in teaching.
This is an area of extreme balance and where training and development are crucial. School districts must have the resources;however, in these tough economic times, technology, unfortunately may go by the wayside. We must continue to push the limits and look for web-based solutions. We, as future educators, must learn all of the tools and be open-minded in their use in our classrooms. We must keep our students engaged and enthusiastic and I believe the technology can help us if used properly.
Pretty Awesome
I used to work as a para-educator in a 5th grade classroom and a couple of teachers in the 5th grade used blogs to encourage nightly writing from their students. Interestingly enough, the teacher that assigned a "free-write" had more students participating on a regular basis; though for some students, writing about a specific topic was easiest because they did not have to stress about finding the "right" topic to write about on their blogs.